Gambus.wpntr2018-12-19T18:11:20+00:00Gambus is generally made from a pear shaped wood and has a short neck. This instrument is relative with the middle east instrument ‘Ud’ and is not only played to accompany songs but it is also used in ‘Orkes Gambus’ ensembles in the Islamic regions of Indonesia. Its cover is made from either wood or vellum. The structure of the body resembles to ‘Pipa’ an instrument from people’s republic of China. The instrument with seven strings on the left has a typical pear shaped body and consists of a wooden cover attached with clips. It also has a well-carved head part and an esthetic tuner box. It has also a sound hole at the base. Originating from Lombok island in Indonesia the small instrument with two strings, on the right, is used as a part of a Cilokaq music ensemble. Its cover is carved and its tuner box has a well-carved head part like many of the instruments originating from Indonesia.