
It is an stringed instrument which was once used by Turks.’Ikliğ’ derives from ‘ik’ which means ‘bow’. Tortoise shell (bağa), calabash or coconut are used for its hemisphere body. There is a long wooden handle attached to the body and there are tuners on this body equal to the number of the strings. ’Ikliğ’ can be one or two strings instrument whose strings are made from either animal skin or animal intestine. A thin animal skin is stretched on the chest ( the front part of the instrument) and this animal skin is usually fish skin and the strings pass through the nicks of the wooden or bone bridge which is on this part and then they are tied to the bottom part of the body. The body of the ‘Ikliğ’ is put between the two knees, and its handle is held with left hand. It is used in Anatolian folk music.