
Sugudu is a traditional fretless instrument played by the Naxi, one of the most popular communities of Yunnan in People’s Republic of China. It is very rare nowadays. Its original name is ‘Huobusi’, a transliteration of a Turkish term which was found in an islamic manuscript written during the Tang dynasty (ad 618-907). The instrument showed up in Egypt at first, then it reached to the Iran in 13th century and after Iran it became popular among Naxi community via Mongols. Still today the players of the Sugudu wear Mongolian dresses. This instrument is made from sandalwood and walnut tree. Its cover made from python skin is on a circle shape hole at the bottom part of the instrument. There is a light wooden cover on the part of this cover and often it is possible to observe that there is usually a free space between the two covers (but not on the instrument in our inventory).